Case Studies

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Back End Wound

This is a dog that developed a severe wound over her hip secondary to removing a mass. The second photo shows what it looked like after debridement or cleaning the wound down to healthy tissue. The third image shows preparation for a wound vacuum, followed by a video. The fourth image is in the operating room…

Parathyroid Surgery

This is a intra-op photo of a dog with a tumor on the parathyroid gland, I am pointing to it in between my forceps, the second image is the tumor removed. Surgery was 100% curative.

Sadie Success Story: Debilitating Large Mass

Sadie is an incredibly sweet and adorable 11 year old Jack Russel Terrier who presented to Dr. Bibevski with COR Veterinary Surgery Services for a debilitating large mass encompassing her right elbow and forelimb that had been growing for over 1 year. Due to the size and weight of the mass, Sadie was having difficulty…