Case Studies
Back End Wound
This is a dog that developed a severe wound over her hip secondary to removing a mass. The second photo shows what it looked like after debridement or cleaning the wound down to healthy tissue. The third image shows preparation for a wound vacuum, followed by a video. The fourth image is in the operating room…
Dog whose Entire Back was Burnt from a Heating Pad
This is an example of a dog whose entire back was burnt from a heating pad.
Post Tibial-Plateau-Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) Surgery
These images show the implants that we use for surgery. The second image is eight weeks after surgery showing the bone is healed.
Lobectomy AKA Lung Removal Surgery
One day after lung lobectomy aka lung removal surgery
Parathyroid Surgery
This is a intra-op photo of a dog with a tumor on the parathyroid gland, I am pointing to it in between my forceps, the second image is the tumor removed. Surgery was 100% curative.
Sadie Success Story: Debilitating Large Mass
Sadie is an incredibly sweet and adorable 11 year old Jack Russel Terrier who presented to Dr. Bibevski with COR Veterinary Surgery Services for a debilitating large mass encompassing her right elbow and forelimb that had been growing for over 1 year. Due to the size and weight of the mass, Sadie was having difficulty…